UPDATE: Our fundraising campaign has been extended through May 17, 2021 so that we can succeed in raising $1000, so please visit one (or both!) of the dedicated fundraising pages for the NJ affiliates of I Support the Girls to support NJHN’s efforts this week!
For this year’s Secular Week of Action, NJHN is teaming up with the two New Jersey affiliates of I Support the Girls (ISTG), a 501(c)(3) charity that collects and distributes essential items, including bras, underwear, and menstrual hygiene products, allowing people experiencing homelessness, impoverishment, or distress to stand tall with dignity.
Under current circumstances we can’t host a collection drive, so we’re hosting a fundraiser instead. You can choose to donate to either the ISTG Central/South Jersey or the ISTG Central/North Jersey affiliate (or both!). We’re hoping to raise $1000-1500 for these busy, overwhelmed and tireless organizations.
Click these links to visit dedicated NJHN donation forms, managed by ISTG:
While ISTG will maintain your privacy, we’d like to receive a list of donor names so we can thank you, so ISTG suggests that you type your own name in the Tribute field, in Honor of You! Your donation is fully tax-deductible.
The links are live now and the fundraiser will run through May 9. After that we’ll announce our final results and thank our donors. We hope you’ll join us for our Secular Week of Action event!
The Secular Week of Action is a call to secular communities across the country to put their secular values into action. It provides an opportunity to mobilize people to express secular civic values and make positive change in our communities. Local organizations across the diverse secular spectrum — atheists, agnostics, freethinkers, humanists, skeptics, and progressive religious communities — work together to demonstrate our shared commitment to making this world, here and now, a better place. The theme for 2021 is “A Compassionate Response To Hunger And Homelessness” — kicking off a week of service intended to wrestle with hunger, homelessness, environmental destruction and more.