Proposed 2021 NJHN Bylaws Amendments

In 2020, the NJHN Bylaws Committee was tasked by the Board of Directors to propose amendments to the existing 2009 Bylaws. Twelve years is a long time between amendments and the Board felt many of our processes, policies, and deadlines needed to be updated. After many meetings over several months, the Board has approved the Bylaws Committee’s recommendations for these amendments.

NJHN dues-paying members have a voting right to approve or disapprove these proposed Bylaws amendments. A voting link will be emailed to all voting-eligible members on May 30, 2021, along with a link to this page on our website to review the proposed amendments. If you have an bylaws amendments-related question prior to voting, please send an email to with NJHN Bylaws Amendments in the subject line. The deadline for voting is June 26, 2021, at 12:00 PM.

The proposed amended language is in red, and the old 2009 language is gray highlighted in black.

Click the link to open PDF
NJHN Proposed Bylaws Amendments 2021

NJHN is a public nonprofit corporation and our members have a voice in how we operate. The Board of Directors hopes that you take that responsibility as seriously as we do. Please vote on our proposed Bylaws amendments. Thank you.

Published 5/30/21 at 1:00 PM