Per the National Weather Service, it’s not looking good for the sea cruise on Saturday leaving from Highlands. There’s now a COASTAL FLOOD WARNING in addition to a GALE WARNING for early Saturday. We haven’t yet received an email from Seastreak canceling the cruise, but spoke to their ticket office this morning. They were still deciding what to do. If they cancel, tickets can be exchanged or refunded. If they don’t cancel, call the ticket office (800-262-8743) at least an hour before departure time (12:30) to find out what can be done. If you hadn’t bought tickets in advance, you’ve got no worries.
We’re not going to tell anyone else what to do, but in our judgment it’s too dangerous to head to the coast during a coastal flood warning right after a gale warning. So if you decide to go, this is no longer an NJHN event and it’s your decision whether to go or not. Sorry this didn’t work out due to the weather.