We can’t get together in a restaurant this year but we can celebrate our Humanist community virtually at our Winter Party. Bring your own food and drink and let’s help each other look forward to a better year than the one that is finally coming to an end.
And before the 27th send us a picture: What have you been doing during the pandemic that you would like to share with others in NJHN? If you have some interesting or fun pictures to contribute, please send them to Brenda LaDuke as soon as possible.
Everyone’s photos will be compiled into a slide-show presentation for the event.
Use this automatic link: Join Zoom Meeting
or connect manually with these credentials:
Meeting ID: 834 0621 8600
Passcode: 040432
For dial-in:
+1 646 518 9805 US (New York)
+1 929 436 2866 US (New York)
+1 267 831 0333 US (Philadelphia)
If you haven’t already, please consider renewing your annual NJHN membership dues or becoming a new dues-paying member before the end of 2020. All of our programs and other activities are made possible by your financial support. Please visit our Membership page to renew or join using PayPal or a credit card, or print out the form and mail it to us along with a check. Thank you!
Individual Membership = $30
Family Membership = $45
College Student/Limited Income = $20