NJHN Table at 2024 Jersey Pride Festival in Asbury Park

June 2, 2024 @ 11:00 am – 6:00 pm
Jersey Pride Festival
Ocean Ave & Sunset
Asbury Park
Lisa Ridge


NJHN volunteers will be tabling at the Jersey Pride Festival in Asbury Park on Sunday, June 2, from 11-6 PM. We’re excited for this opportunity to show the LGBTQ+ community that we are their allies and that Humanist organizations have advocated for equality, protection and inclusion for many years.

Our goal is to provide information and resources about Humanism and NJHN, and to engage in positive conversation with other Festival attendees about our strong commitment to ally with the LGBTQ+ community.

If you’d like to volunteer at our table for a few hours, contact Lisa Ridge. We’d also appreciate support from our friends attending the Festival, so please stop by our table to say hello and pick up a free NJHN Pride sticker!

Admission is $10 cash or credit card. Children age 5 and under are free. Bring a nonperishable food item to donate to Fulfill–the foodbank of Ocean and Monmouth Counties.

Jersey Pride Parade, Rally and Festival details


Published 5/5/24