NJHN holds an election each year for positions on its Board of Directors, the governing body that makes programming and financial decisions with our membership contributions. Board terms are for two years. Our secure online election will be held from April 21-May 21, 2022, and the results will be announced at our virtual Annual Membership Meeting on May 22. All members are encouraged to attend that meeting.
Pursuant to our bylaws, the Board appoints a Nominating Committee each year to seek, evaluate and propose a slate of candidates for approval by the Board and then our paid (current) members. The members of this year’s Nominating Committee are Gary Brill, Adriana Cordal and Everett Henson. All current members of NJHN over the age of 18 and a member for at least one year are eligible and encouraged to run for the Board, and may nominate themselves and/or any other current member, with that member’s written consent. Board members whose terms are expiring are also eligible to run for re-election. Visit our Board of Directors page to see when Board members’ terms expire.
This post constitutes the Nominating Committee’s official call for candidates. Any member interested in running for the Board for the 2022-2024 term that would start in July has until March 22 to submit their name and interest via email to the Nominating Committee, and then a candidate statement must be submitted by April 9.
Current members will receive an email with a link to the secure online election website on April 21. Joint members will receive two separate links. If you are unsure if your membership is current, please email the NJHN Membership Team to confirm. You should have received a confirmation email when you joined or last renewed. New members will be eligible to vote if their join date is by April 20, 2022.
NJHN is a public nonprofit corporation. Your membership entitles you to voting rights for elections, bylaws, corporation changes, and other matters that our Board of Directors may decide are best determined by our members.
The rest of the Election timeline:
April 9: The Nominating Committee will submit its proposed slate of candidates to the Board of Directors.
April 16: The Board of Directors will approve the slate of candidates for announcement to the membership.
April 21: The Nominating Committee will announce the approved slate of candidates to the current membership via email with a link to a secure online voting website which will provide instructions for proper voting.
May 21, 12:00 PM: This is the deadline for vote submission. The Nominating Committee will have until May 22 at 12:00 PM to tally all submitted votes.
May 22, 1:30 PM: Virtual Annual Membership Meeting where final election results are announced.
Published February 22, 2022