OnlySky is a new media platform by and for the nonreligious, featuring news, storytelling, commentary, podcasts, and video by both new and well-known voices across the secular spectrum.
Secular storytelling and journalism at its best. We explore how a natural perspective changes everything, from our place in the universe to the meaning of a single life.
Our audience is the rapidly-growing population of the religiously unaffiliated in the United States, currently 29% of U.S. adults. In a few years, our audience is expected to surpass every religious denomination in size. OnlySky brings the process of discovering secular life into the open and into a community of others doing the same.
We’ve gathered authors, educators, sociologists, psychologists, philosophers, poets, artists, musicians, comedians, climate scientists, folklorists, physicians, and some of the top secular activists to guide our exploration of a post-religious world.
This isn’t a one-way project where we talk and you listen. We want to build a meaningful community of users exchanging ideas well beyond the comment section, shaping what OnlySky can become, and making the nonreligious a more tangible and influential part of our culture.
We hope you’ll join the conversation.
Visit OnlySky, create an account, and join the community.
Published 1/20/22